My little girl's room has been a "project" since last summer when she moved into her big girl bed. And projects that go on this long just about drive me crazy! I have two of my grandmother's night tables that you can see a glimpse of in the mirror below. They were just not working in this room but I know exactly where I want them now. So here is where I am with this room . . .

I tried several different quilts and never felt satisfied until I landed on this one. I love the colors! It is so versitile with the greens, pinks, reds, yellows, and splashes of subtle blues.

Finally the stars aligned this past weekend and I found this treasure.
Dark! (great for distressing!)
and close to 28 inches wide!
A dream come true.

And this is the color I am thinking . . . something along these lines . . .

So now that I found my treasure and know what color I want . . I want it done ASAP. I hope I can be patient. :)
I love the blue!!! It will look gorgeous. Good luck!
Try "mansion"- Kwal Howell. I just painted my spare bedroom this color and love it! :)
Sidenote- I think with the glaze, you would get the result you're looking for.
If you want me to mail you a test sample of it, e-mail me!
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