Can you even believe your eyes!
I had a reader send me pictures of this cupboard containing 36 drawers.
She had somewhat described it to me and talked approximate dimensions.
When I opened the email that included pictures which came the next day I heard my thoughts out loud. . .
This is a family piece and her aunt drove it down to her from Washington.
Family pieces make things so endearing and lovely.
She is debating what she wants to do with it.
There is some damage that needs to be repaired for structural stability.
Cosmetically I think the few chipped drawers add character and appeal.

I plan to continue working with her to determine what will be the best approach on this piece. I was so anxious to share it with you all so I had to post the pictures today.
WOW! That is going to be AMAZING!
so jealous!
LOVE this piece! Canning cupboards...card catalogs...what is it about LOTS of drawers that is so appealing??
How much does she want for it? :-)
That is beautiful!
Another item to be on the look out for.
It's wonderful! Of course I see it in white...never heard of a canning cupboard...but then again, I'm a city girl!!
OH MY GOSH! I want that woman to adopt me so I can inherit that piece~ WOW~~~ Hugs-Diana
What a great family piece! It reminds me of your wonderful card catalog. I actually like the chipped drawers, too...adds a lot of charm. My mom had grown up on a farm in Minnesota and I remember her telling me that her great grandmother had a canning cupboard. It'll be fun to see what you and your reader do with this.
The wood on this is awesome. Old and full of character.
I have a card catalog from the fifties sitting in storage. Hubs was trying to convince me to get rid of it not too long ago and I said no way. I would LOVE to be brave enough to tackle painting it, but I'm not sure I have it in me.
Wow... that is a cabinet that I would definitely make room for in my house... unbelievable.. imagine what organization you could do with that!
Me too!!!! What is it with a piece with a bunch of drawers, gets me every time!
remember when i shipped you that scale? how bout you ship this to me. WOW! :)
glorious...just think of the organizing a gal could do with this beaut!
This is incredible! I want it!!!!!
Melanie, that is such a wonderful piece of furniture! No wonder you both are in love with it! She's a lucky lady to own it.
wow...wow...wow...Melanie....I can't wait to see what you do with this!!
Have a great weekend..
GASP!!! Darling!! What was it made to do?
This is gorgeous. Our local post office has several cabinets resembling this. Amazing!
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