
One Thing Wednesday - The Gardner Fan

It is Wednesday again and that means it is "One Thing Wednesday". For those of you who read our blog know that I have been wanting an antique fan and if you need a quick update you can read about it here.

I am learning if you throw something out there to the universe it might just come back to you because this has happened to me two times now and both treasures have come from Maryland which is many a miles from me. I received an email from Robyn at Whimages telling me that her Goodwill had a fan and she would be happy to pick it up and ship it off to me just at cost. So a few days later her son texted me a photo of the fan and I was so excited. It was just the color of blades I was looking for and the cage was to die for. I immediately told her I wanted it!Robbins and Myers vintage fans are rather popular and I am so happy to have one right in my home. The above picture is a view of the fan assembly room circa 1918 inside of the Robbins and Myers Company. I believe our fan pictured is probably circa 1940.
I love the dark base with the black clover shaped blades. It has hints of rust here and there which we all know adds character and a story. Thank you Robyn. We just love our "new" old fan. I am thinking sometime I need to take a trip out to Maryland. Man oh man they have some great treasuring hunting out there. We have certainly had some wonderful friends send a few our way thanks to the US Postal Service.

Up next the trio of black dressers.

I linked to:


  1. Oooohh I love that fan!!!! How awesome that she did that for you! I love Blogger friends!!! It looks great on the pretty shelf!!

  2. That is so nice!! You're right, you never know what will happen when you mention you're looking for something. So happy for you :)

  3. That was so nice of her! What a wonderful person, I am totally in lust over the fan, its awesome!!

    love your guts

  4. I remember your fan post! Good job on finding a friend that found one for you! lol How great are these BlogLand women?

    It is a gorgeous old piece. Does it run too? Hugs- Diana

  5. So cool that you met someone through your blog that would do that for you! The blogland is great! cool Fan :)

  6. Oh Melanie, I am SO HAPPY you love it! I just think that photo of the assembly factory is SO COOL! If you ever make it to Maryland, we'd HAVE A BLAST!!! I better be on your itinerary! It could be your "junkin with Robyn day"! ;-) The fan looks so happy in it's new home!

  7. Melanie, blogging has some serious perks! I am equally envious of the treasures that are to be had back east.

  8. So what happened when you said that you wanted that cage light from Pottery Barn or whatever? And what about the curtains that you wanted? I think bloggers are really kind and are willing to help hard workers like you. When you open yourself up to us, we feel part of your life. About Maryland: Maybe it is interesting to you, but I think Utah has the cheapest stuff going. When people report that they bought a dresser for $10, I can't believe it. Chairs for $3? Sounds like the DI(Deseret Industries ?) is better than Goodwill anyday. We are glad that you got another spot on the TV show. I don't think I responded, but you did really well. You didn't seem nervous. How about compiling an E book? Ann

  9. I love vintage fans! They are so cool!

  10. Looove your vintage fan, it's a beauty!!! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  11. Love the fan! Stop by and collect your clues. The largest giveaway in Decor To Adore history will be revealed next Friday.

  12. What a sweet touch to your home! It's amazing what happens when we express our desires! Congrats :) Thanks for visiting a dash of parsley!

  13. Very cool fan. Love the black color.

  14. Wonderful how bloggers help each other out! Great fan, so glad you linked up with VIF!

  15. How neat! It looks great and I love how you got it.

  16. Old fans are so awesome!! Great find!!

  17. Awesome! I love how you were able to find a picture of the factory. The colors on the fan are awesome too!

  18. Love the old fans...and I love how you have it displayed! So glad you were able to find one!

  19. It's absolutely fan-tastic, Melanie! How wonderful that Robyn was willing to be such a blessing to you. I have a small black fan from the early 1900s, too. And I just love it.

    Thanks for linking to my party. I enjoy seeing what you link up each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  20. Great vintage fan and it make's such a nice accessory!

  21. That's a nice looking fan, but dangerous looking blades.

  22. Cool vintage fan. Love the black color. Looks great the way you have it displayed.

  23. I would enjoy visiting in your home I am sure. With your love of antiques, your home must be full of interesting things. Great find on the fan.

  24. I love vintage fans. They make such great decorating features. Old cameras do too. Your friend was so kind to send it to you!!

    Susan and Bentley

  25. Great looking vintage fan. How wonderful that a blogging friend was looking out for you.

    You just meet the nicest friends blogging!

  26. What a neat fan and a great story...


We appreciate you taking the time to leave us a comment and we look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas. If we do not respond quickly it is either because we are treasure hunting or in the spray booth but nonetheless want you to know with sincere gratitude that we adore our followers and are so happy to have you visiting our blog!